📈 1st weekly trading contest! $15k in prizes 🔥

Gains Network
2 min readJan 17, 2021


Hi everyone,

📢 We are officially introducing the first GFARM2 weekly trading contest!

This gives us the opportunity to give back to the community while also increasing the trading platform’s usage, which benefits everyone.

The contest begins monday 18th at 0:00 (UTC) and ends friday 22th at 23:59 (UTC)

Already 161 trades opened in the last 24h! https://gains.farm/trading

The main part of our ecosystem is the trading platform. Our main goal is now to incentivize users to try it

🤑 How to participate:

  1. When the contest begins, you must have 0 gains left to claim from your last other trades.
  2. You can take as many trades as you want until the end of the contest
  3. You have to claim your gains in a single transaction, before the end (we will only count the gains claimed in your last transaction)
  4. The winners will be the most profitable traders, who claimed the most GFARM2 profits before the end.
  5. Just send us an email: contact (at) gains.farm with the following subject: “[GFARM2 PROFITS]: [YOUR ETHEREUM ADDRESS]”, and include a link to your transaction where you claimed your gains.

We will of course verify that you started from 0 gains.

We will find the winners during the week-end, and distribute the prizes on monday!

💵 The most profitable traders prizes

  1. 1st place = $7k 🥇
  2. 2nd place = $5k 🥈
  3. 3rd place = $3k 🥉

The prizes will be distributed in DAI because we want to make the contest go viral, and we feel it’s better to have DAI rewards for this reason.

Also, this way the winners won’t dump their prizes on the market without thinking about price impact.

For this 1st weekly trading contest, we have enough funds in the governance funds to not sell any GFARM2.

But we will start selling slowly the governance fund in very low amounts in about 5 days (always < 1% price impact), to have a budget for marketing, big exchanges listing, even bigger contests, etc.

Remember, the governance fund is only 5% of the circulating supply, this is very low compared to most other projects.

Also, the governance fund will always be 100% reinvested in the ecosystem! (0xC66FbE50Dd33c9AAdd65707F7088D597C86fE00F)

Thank you for reading :) Let the contest begin! 🏁

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